Hey, it’s been almost a couple of months since the last update and for a good reason: EdgeDB 6 is shaping up to be an incredible release, and we’re busy making sure it will rock.
Dijana is updating the built-in ai extension with the latest models and function calling. Her improvements to our “Ask AI” feature are set to ship soon!
Andrey, our new hire, is adding a new extension aptly called
to make it a one-minute task to use EdgeDB as a vector database. He also created adapters for LangChain and LlamaIndex, which we’re testing now internally. -
Scott, after implementing the new
module and webhooks support for Auth, is maintaining momentum by enhancing security for Auth API endpoints. -
Scott, Sully, and Zack are working on separate components to add built-in SMTP support for our auth extension for EdgeDB Cloud. This will simplify getting started with email-based authentication in the cloud.
Matt is living the every Rust’s engineer dream – rewriting existing
perfectlyworking software to Rust. Jokes aside, EdgeDB 6 will benefit from a new Rust-based HTTP layer, and there’s also a lot of work done towards rewriting EdgeDB 7 IO completely in Rust. We’re crossing our fingers! -
Speaking of dreams, Sully just realized his by landing an implementation of his RFC to simplify Path Resolution in EdgeQL. Although this can be considered a minor breaking change, it will allow us to evolve EdgeQL much quicker.
Aljaz and Victor are finalizing the 6.0 mega project: adding full SQL support. They’re thrilled to spend their days exploring different popular ORMs and discovering how we can support them in the best way possible.
Aleksandra has recently created a new NextJS+EdgeDB template that should soon be available on vercel.com. She’s now busy preparing us for React Summit in NYC on November 18th. Excited to see some of you there!
Fantix, just before he left on 🏝️, finalized his work on a new slow queries log feature.
Zack and the cloud team are working on our cloud infra non-stop, making sure it operates smoothly, while preparing to ship pretty significant internal improvements.
Daniel is about to land a new major functionality to EdgeQL: functions that can have
commands in them. -
James is almost done with a huge round of updates in our UI. Soon you’ll be able to show/hide, reorder, and pin columns in Data View. He’s now busy with creating a UI for slow queries log.
Roman is designing several semi-secret projects, including a page for the upcoming Python hackathon (this is a secret!)