March 29, 2022

Why ORMs are slow (and getting slower)

Object-relational mapping (ORM) libraries solve some important usability issues with relational databases and continue to grow in popularity. However, they come with important performance tradeoffs that are often poorly understood and quantified.

To provide some better answers to the question of ORM performance, we’re open-sourcing a new benchmarking rig called IMDBench. The goal is to evaluate the performance of major ORM libraries with realistic queries that would be required for a hypothetical IMDB-style movie database application.

Jump to the Results section if you failed the marshmallow test as a child. Or stick around for a discussion of why ORMs are slow in the first place.

The question of ORM performance is more complex than simply “they generate slow queries”. It’s important to look at the problem holistically: how long does does it take to get all the data I need out of the database?

It’s common for ORMs to perform non-trivial operations (deep fetching, nested mutation, inline aggregation, etc.) by opaquely executing several queries under the hood. This may not be obvious to the end user. Even “next-generation” ORMs do this.

For instance, the TypeScript ORM Prisma executes a separate query for each relation you fetch. The following operation executes 3 separate SQL queries, executed in sequence.

const result = await prisma.movies.findMany({
  select: {
    id: true,
    title: true,
    reviews: {
      select: {
        rating: true,
        author: {
          select: {id: true, name: true},
  where: {title: {startsWith: 'Iron Man', mode: 'insensitive'}},

Data integrity

Unless these component queries are executed in a transaction, this opens the door to some hairy data integrity bugs; the data might change between two reads, producing unexpected results. This can be alleviated running the queries inside a transaction, which rapidly places unacceptable limits on read capacity. Different ORMs have different behavior.

Nested mutations (inserts, updates, etc.) are even worse. In addition to requiring an roundtrip query for each level of nesting, the ORM must also begin and commit a transaction, as well as a final query to fetch the data that was just inserted. The following operation executes six SQL queries and five round-trips.

const results = await prisma.movies.create({
  data: {
    title: 'The Batman',
    year: 2022,
    cast: {
      create: {
        person: {
          create: {
            name: 'Robert Pattinson'

By contrast, EdgeDB and SQL can represent this operation as a single query requiring a single round trip.

insert Movie {
  title := "The Batman",
  year := 2022,
  cast := (insert Person { name := "Robert Pattinson"})

Less mature ORMs often don’t support functionality like aggregations (counts, statistics, averages, etc.), forcing users to overfetch and perform these calculations server-side.

While some modern ORMs provide “top-level” aggregation ("Count the number of movies in the database"), even the most advanced ORMs don’t support simple relational (i.e. nested) aggregations such as "Select some movies, returning the title and average rating of all its reviews" This (quite simple) query requires either:

  1. Overfetching all associated Reviews for each movie, or

  2. Executing a separate aggregation query

  3. Falling back to SQL ☹️

The first two options require two round trips. Here’s how #2 might look in Prisma:

const results = await prisma.movies.findMany({
  select: {
    id: true,
    title: true
  where: { release_year: { gt: 1999 }}

const avgRatings = await{
  by: ['movie_id'],
  where: {
    movie_id: {
      in: =>,
  _avg: { rating: true }

// then post-process the data

And things might be getting worse soon. The current trend towards multi-region serverless or “edge computing” architectures stands to dramatically compound this problem. Under these architectures, your server logic is executed in emphemeral “functions” running in data centers that are geographically near your user. But by moving our servers closer to our users, we’re often moving them further from our database.

The roundtrip latency of a simple ping between the us-east and us-west regions is roughly 70ms; for non-trivial payloads, it can exceed hundreds of milliseconds. If you’re using an ORM that opaquely executes 3+ roundtrip queries for common operations, your app’s responsivity can quickly crater.

This is a known gotcha and most serverless offerings (Lambda, Firebase Functions, Vercel, Cloudflare) add disclaimers like these to their documentation.

You could alleviate this by creating a read replica in each region. This comes with large operational overhead, does not help with mutating queries (since those still must be executed against the primary node), and is likely to be prohibitively expensive for smaller companies.

Long story short: for anything but the most basic of queries, ORMs require multiple queries to fetch all the data you need. This, more than anything else, is why ORMs are perceptually slower than raw SQL. Most existing benchmarks use flat CRUD queries that are too simplistic to capture this unfortunate characteristic.

So ORMs have some unfortunate characterics. But how slow are they really? That’s the question we set out to answer quantitatively. The result is IMDBench, an open-source ORM benchmarking tool. Our aim was to design a benchmark that simulates a hypothetical production environment for a non-trivial CRUD app.

The execution environment simulates a 1 millisecond latency between the server and database. The typical latency between availability zones in a given region is 1-2ms. The vast majority of applications do not have the resources to support per-availability-zone replication, so this assumption is reasonable.

On Linux, this latency can be simulated with tc like so:

sudo tc qdisc add dev br-webapp-bench root netem delay 1ms

We are simulating an IMDB-style movie database website. The sample dataset consists of 25k movies, 100k people, 100k users, and 500k reviews.

The Movie type has two links (relations): cast -> Person[] and directors -> Person[] (both of which are orderable by a list_order association property). The Review type has two links: movie -> Movie and author -> User.

The following queries have been implemented for each target.

InsertMovie: Evaluates nested mutations and the ability to insert and select in a single step.

Insert a Movie, setting its cast and directors with pre-existing Person objects. Return the new Movie, including all its properties, its cast, and its directors.

  new_movie := (
    insert Movie {
      title := <str>$title,
      image := <str>$image,
      description := <str>$description,
      year := <int64>$year,
      directors := (
        select Person
        filter .id = <uuid>$d_id
      cast := (
        select Person
        filter .id in array_unpack(<array<uuid>>$cast)
select new_movie {
  directors: { id, full_name, image } order by .last_name,
  cast: { id, full_name, image } order by .last_name
Show more

GetMovie: Evaluates deep (3-level) fetching.

Fetch a Movie by ID, including all its properties, its cast (in list_order), its directors (in list_order), and its associated Reviews (including basic information about the review author).

select Movie {
  directors: {
  } order by @list_order empty last
    then .last_name,
  cast: {
  } order by @list_order empty last
    then .last_name,
  reviews := (
    select .<movie[is Review] {
      author: {
    } order by .creation_time desc
filter .id = <uuid>$id;
Show more

GetUser: Evaluates reverse relation fetching and relation aggregation.

Fetch a User by ID, including all its properties and 10 most recently written Reviews. For each review, fetch all its properties, the properties of the Movie it is about, and the average rating of that movie (averaged across all reviews in the database).

select User {
  latest_reviews := (
    select .<author[is Review] {
      movie: {
        avg_rating := math::mean(.<movie[is Review].rating)
    order by .creation_time desc
    limit 10
filter .id = <uuid>$id;
Show more

The graphs below present the throughput/latency results for each target as a geometric mean of the three queries. As such, it should be interpreted as a holistic benchmark that represents the target library’s collective performance across a range of query functionality.

For per-query results, interactive charts, and latency jitter statistics, view the full report! 👀

The libraries tested are:

EdgeDB is not an ORM library, but it provides a comparable developer experience: declarative schema, migrations, and an object-oriented querying API (EdgeQL). As the EdgeQL query builder is able to return fully typed query results, we consider EdgeDB to qualify here.

JavaScript ORM throughput results
JavaScript ORM latency results

The libraries tested are:

Python ORM throughput results
Python ORM latency results

For comparison, below are the benchmark results for a tuned PostgreSQL implementation of the benchmark queries, executed using popular Postgres drivers:

For reference the EdgeDB results (using the Python client) are also included.

SQL throughput results
SQL latency results

Most Postgres drivers cannot properly decode the results of queries containing array-aggregated subqueries. This is necessary to retrieve usable results from deep queries in a performant way; as such, certain benchmark operations are implemented as 2+ serially-executed queries. By contrast, asyncpg (which was originally designed as the Postgres interface for EdgeDB) can express all operations as a single highly-optimized SQL query and represents the high-water mark for this benchmark.

We think IMDBench stands alone as an effective benchmark for those choosing an ORM for their next project. Predictably, ORMs perform poorly on this benchmark relative to EdgeDB or raw SQL, both of which can express more complex operations in a single query.

However, the goal of this benchmark is not to pick on ORM libraries. They solve some very real usability issues with relational databases. It is a valid decision to prioritize developer experience over performance, especially when your expected traffic is low.

That said, it’s important to understand the limitations of ORMs if you wish to make an informed decision regarding these technologies. Ultimately, as your application scales in traffic and complexity, your ORM will become a bottleneck sooner than you think, and refactoring away from it will present challenges. This is why we built EdgeDB, to provide a “third way” that combines the best of both SQL and ORMs, no tradeoffs required.




Intuitive nested fetching




Declarative schema




Structured query results




Idiomatic APIs for different languages




Comprehensive standard library




Computed properties








Composable subquerying




Checkout the IMDBench repo at Follow the “Run Locally” guide to replicate our results; there are also a lot of other dials and knobs to mess with as well. We intend to continue evolving and expanding the scope of this benchmark — contributions welcome!

To dip your toe into EdgeDB, check out our 10-minute Quickstart for a gentle introduction. Or head to the GitHub repo for a collection of useful links.