September 28, 2023

EdgeDB and Rust: Type-safe kindred spirits

EdgeDB has developed a relationship with Rust over its five-year history, and as an open-source database, this relationship is easy to see. A quick search through its repos shows that the EdgeDB CLI was rewritten in Rust in early 2020, right when Rust began to demonstrate its staying power as a language. Rust clearly wasn’t going to just be a flash in the pan, and EdgeDB quickly jumped on the opportunity to benefit from rewriting one of its most important tools. More recently the EdgeDB parser has been rewritten in Rust, and Rust continues to play a growing role in EdgeDB’s codebase.

That said, more Rust code doesn’t necessarily imply a larger affinity for Rust itself. After all, you could use Rust to build a language that is its polar opposite!

But EdgeDB found a kindred spirit in Rust because the two share a belief (and a correct one!) in strong typing and expressiveness. These principles shift much of the burden of writing and maintaining correct code from you, the developer, to the programming language where it belongs. Both EdgeDB and Rust believe that you should be able to write code that fits what you intend to build, without having to expend precious mental energy on type safety and correctness. Wherever possible, this burden should be carried by the compiler, not you.

As the saying goes, programming languages are strongly typed at one level or another. The only difference is where the types are kept: inside your code in a statically-defined fashion, or inside your mind.

In the latter case, they also need to be kept in the minds of each and every other developer working on your project!

One way to conceptualize the benefits of strong typing is by bringing up its antithesis: JavaScript. The most famous example of JavaScript’s “anything-goes” nature is the one where it happily adds the number 1 to the string "1" for you, outputting 11 instead of an error, or instead of 2. But if you subtract “1” from 1, it will return a 0.

console.log(1 + "1");
// Output: 11
console.log(1 - "1");
// Output: 0

JavaScript follows its own rules as it was designed, and in this case there is an internal reason: the + operator is overloaded to concatenate strings, while the - operator is not overloaded so it recognizes “1” as a number in the second case.

But good luck remembering this along with each and every other idiosyncrasy in a language that famously allows the developer to do just about anything. You might know this and JavaScript’s other quirks by heart… but do all of your collaborators?

Since JavaScript is so lenient, it’s now the developer’s job to remember and predict every instance of unexpected behavior. It’s no surprise that TypeScript has taken off as more and more JavaScript developers see that some extra typing up front pays for itself later on as a code base grows in size and complexity.

The same goes for databases as well, many of which lack a defined schema, and use loosely-defined data types, nulls, and so on. All of these cases result in extra mental overhead for the developer. When you successfully insert some data into a loosely-defined database, did the insert work because the object was constructed as intended or did the database just allow it because its data types are so loosely defined that anything goes?

Choosing type safety — which is core to EdgeDB — lets you put an end to this gnawing doubt.

But it goes well beyond just type safety. Let’s look at how EdgeDB and Rust’s other similarities match up in practice. Oftentimes a feature of EdgeDB will match exactly with one in Rust, and other times they will be close with some notable differences. And sometimes EdgeDB will have a feature that, while not identical or close to one in Rust, serves well as an analogy to understand the other. This post contains a mixture of all three.

Let’s start with the simplest data types used in EdgeQL (EdgeDB’s query language) and how they match up with the primitive types used in Rust.

EdgeDB has a large variety of scalar data types, many of which overlap with those in Rust.
















numbigint crate



decimal crate





Items must be all the same type, as in Rust

std::datetime, cal::local_datetime, etc.

Datetime<Utc>, NaiveDateTime, etc.

chrono crate


[u8], Vec<u8>



EdgeDB will refuse to mix one type with another:

select '9' + 9;

error: InvalidTypeError: operator '+' cannot be applied to
operands of type 'std::str' and 'std::int64'
  ┌─ <query>:1:8
1 │ select '9' + 9;
  │        ^^^^^^^ Consider using an explicit type cast or
  │        a conversion function.

Both Rust and EdgeDB offer a bit of flexibility here. Note in the following example that Rust will still compile even though the first 10.0 would normally be interpreted as an f64:

let num1 = 10.0;
let num2 = 9.0f32;
println!("{}", num1 + num2);

Rust sees that the 10.0 needs to be added to an f32 and thus num1 becomes an f32 and not an f64, which otherwise is the default type for floats.

EdgeDB offers a similar flexibility, using what are known as implicit casts. These allow the next query adding two different numeric types to work:

select 9.1 + 9;

The implicit casts that EdgeDB uses can be seen in our casting table where theys are marked with impl. An implicit cast will take place in operations involving two different numeric types in which one is more precise than the other, ensuring that no information is lost.

The Rust equivalent here would require some more intervention: 9.1 + 9 as f64 or 9.1 + (f64::from(9)) or any of the other numerous ways to do it.

The strong typing in the case of the EdgeDB query can be proven by asking it whether the final type is a float64 or an int64:

select (9.1 + 9) is float64;
select (9.1 + 9) is int64;

Or you can use a fancier query with the introspect keyword to display the type name itself.

select introspect (typeof (9.1 + 9)) { name };
{schema::ScalarType {name: 'std::float64'}}

In either case, the end result is a strongly typed float64.

So far, so good, and strong typing when a value exists is an obvious plus. But how does EdgeDB work in the absence of values?

NULL does not exist in Rust (well, except for unsafe Rust), and EdgeDB doesn’t use it either. A Rust developer certainly won’t need to be convinced of the disadvantages of having null in a language, but null in databases has its own special pitfalls that are quite… interesting. Our SQL comparison blog post sums up some of the quirks of NULL as used in SQL that make the developer’s life more interesting in all the wrong ways:

  • NULL is so special that it’s not equal to anything, including itself.

  • Any operation on NULL will return NULL and the effect may be very subtle.

  • Yet in some cases NULL is equal to itself, such as in DISTINCT.

  • Much of the traditional logic and boolean algebra rules cannot be safely applied to SQL boolean expressions in the presence of NULL. For example, the law of excluded middle (i.e., either a proposition or its opposite must be true; p OR NOT p), does not hold true if p is NULL.

  • Rows containing NULL sometimes get counted… and sometimes not!

A seated man sweats as he looks at a screen showing a query that says
SELECT COUNT(product_id) FROM product. Result: 3. We cut to another
shot of his face in which he makes a change on the device. We cut
back to the screen to see the query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM product.
Result: 33. Cut back to the man's face, and he is now crying.
  • Rows containing NULL cannot be compared…

  • Even trying to check with IS NULL doesn’t work.

  • Databases often uses NULL to indicate an error condition, so your query might contain NULL even if you don’t expect it.

  • In PostgreSQL division by zero is an exception, whereas MySQL simply returns NULL

And so on and so forth. Using a database that does not use NULL is a big advantage in and of itself!

However, programming languages still need to take into account the possibility that a value will not exist. Here is how Rust and EdgeDB do it:

  • Rust: No concept of a magical NULL value. Instead, Rust offers something much better: the standard Option type, the values of which can either be None or Some(value).

  • EdgeDB: No concept of a magical NULL value either. The query language and data model are designed to operate on sets. When there’s no data you have… an empty set: {}.

While not the same construct, Rust’s Option and EdgeDB’s empty set have fairly similar behavior.

For example, Rust allows you to work with and compare an Option that is None, but it has to be able to determine the type (the T inside Option<T>). If it can’t determine the type from the context, you will have to let the compiler know:

fn main() {
  // These are fine - Rust can determine the type
  assert_eq!(Some(9).or(None), Some(9));
  assert_eq!(None.or(Some(9)), Some(9));

  // But here it will complain without the ::<i32>
  assert_eq!(None::<i32>.or(None), None);
  // Same here
  assert!(None::<i32> == None);

EdgeDB works more or less in the same way, as an empty set can be compared to another set as long as the type is specified.

Note that here the coalescing operator (the ?? operator) is used to skirt the rule of Cartesian operation that the product of anything with an empty set (length 0) is always an empty set. Coalescing is roughly equivalent to .or() or .unwrap_or_default() in Rust.

select 9 ?? <int32>{};
select <int32>{} ?? 9;
select <int32>{} ?? <int32>{};

EdgeDB will complain if it can’t determine the type of an empty set, just as Rust will with a None of an unknown type.

select {} ?= {};

error: InvalidTypeError: operator '?=' cannot be applied to
operands of type 'anytype' and 'anytype'
  ┌─ <query>:1:8
1 │ select {} ?= {};
  │        ^^^^^^^^ Consider using an explicit type
  │        cast or a conversion function.
select <str>{} ?= <str>{};

With a few of the basics out of the way, let’s move back to the bigger picture for a bit. What exactly is EdgeDB and is there an easy way to describe it in general? Fortunately, EdgeDB and Rust more or less share the same design here, making it easy to explain.

Neither the architects of EdgeDB nor Rust chose to build everything from scratch. Thanks to LLVM, Rust didn’t need to build its own codegen backend and was able to latch itself to an established technology from the get go. Theoretically Rust could have tried to build its own backend, but why would it? LLVM continues to develop on its own accord, without any need for those developing the Rust language to sacrifice their time to make it happen.

EdgeDB made the same decision when it chose Postgres as its backend. Interestingly, we can simply refer to the page on why Rust chose to use LLVM for code generation to answer why EdgeDB opted for Postgres instead of building everything from scratch:

We don’t have to write a whole compiler backend. This reduces implementation and maintenance burden. We benefit from the large suite of advanced optimizations that the LLVM project has been collecting.

The same quote works almost verbatim to explain the relationship between EdgeDB and Postgres! Changing “compiler” to “database” and “LLVM” to “Postgres” would suffice.

Rust’s compiler is famously difficult to satisfy, but its benefits are insurmountable: code that satisfies the compiler has effectively been debugged ahead of time. More lenient programming languages allow less vigorous code to be run, but this simply moves any errors from compile time to runtime. At the end of the day this is a much less pleasant experience.

Moving as much as possible to compile time is often known as “if it compiles, it works.” Refactoring is, for the most part, a pleasure in Rust: first you make your changes, then ask the compiler what broke, and then make fixes until the code compiles again. The work up front is worth it for the extra peace of mind down the road.

EdgeDB uses the same approach when handling migrations, by not allowing a migration to proceed unless type safety, constraints, and assertions are all upheld. This is easiest to see with a simple example. Note how similar it feels to refactoring in Rust!

Let’s first start with this schema with a single type.

module default {
  type Person {
    required name: str;
    nickname: str;

We then insert three Person objects: one named Moghedien, and two named Mat Cauthon. Mat has a nickname, Moghedien doesn’t.

insert Person { name := "Moghedien" };
{default::Person {id: … }}
insert Person { name := "Mat Cauthon", nickname := "Matty" };
{default::Person {id: … }}
insert Person { name := "Mat Cauthon", nickname := "Matty" };
{default::Person {id: … }}

Now let’s change the schema a bit. This time we would like nickname to be required, and name to have an exclusive constraint so that no two Person objects can have the same name:

module default {
  type Person {
   required name: str { constraint exclusive }
   required nickname: str;

These changes are small but have consequences. What happens to the existing Person objects without a nickname that need one now? And what about those with the same name as another?

Fortunately, EdgeDB has our back here. Similar to typing cargo check to see what broke, we can type edgedb migration create and see what EdgeDB thinks of the changes we are trying to make.

Please specify an expression to populate existing objects
in order to make property 'nickname' of object type
'default::Person' required

EdgeDB is not satisfied, but provides a helping hand: what expression should it use for any objects that don’t have a nickname?

This is essentially the same as .unwrap_or_default() in Rust. Let’s just type .name ++ 'y'. This will take the name of any Person object and add ‘y’ to make a nickname if it doesn’t have one already.

After this the migration works, and a script is generated. But we haven’t applied it yet. At this stage EdgeDB will try to apply our changes to the existing database.

Detail: property 'name' of object type 'default::Person'
violates exclusivity constraint

Once again, EdgeDB is not yet satisfied because more than one of the Person objects has the same name. Here we can just delete one of our Person objects named Mat Cauthon, and now the migration can be applied. All Person objects have a nickname, and none of them have the same name, as we specified in the schema.

As you can see, a little work up front saves us from a lot of headaches down the road.

One of the reasons for Rust’s success is that it allows a high degree of expression without sacrificing performance. Much of this is thanks to not having a garbage collector, but also its zero-cost abstractions: abstractions in your code that have no overhead and are thus no less performant than if you had coded everything by hand.

Here’s a quick example of that: an iterator. Iterator methods in Rust are expressive, plentiful, and often chained one after another.

fn main() {
  let iter = [Some(1), Some(2), None, Some(3)]
    .inspect(|num| println!("Number: {num}"))
    .map(|num| num + 1)
    .filter(|num| num % 2 == 0);

Interestingly, the resulting type isn’t a Vec<i32> but something a lot longer: it’s more like a Filter<std::iter::Map<Inspect<Flatten<std::array::IntoIter<std::option::Option<i32>, 4>>, closure>, closure>, closure>.

Instead of six separate operations, the code above simply creates a nested structure that needs to be called only once. In this code it hasn’t even been called yet, as iterators are lazy by default.

EdgeDB uses a similar practice, thanks to a protocol that is designed to minimize the number of server roundtrips. EdgeDB has a unified interface for retrieving structured data with implicit joins, compositional queries, and structured return results, meaning that often only one request/response event is needed. This differs from ORMs (Object-Relational Mappers) that are unable to do this and suffer performance-wise as a result. A quote from Yury (EdgeDB co-founder and CEO) sums up the situation as follows:

Query languages are essential for retrieving data from databases. In relational databases, data is represented as relations, with SQL serving as the query language that retrieves data as rows from a table. However, in modern programming languages, data is often presented as a graph of object data. Writing SQL queries to directly consume or return graphs of objects can be difficult or even impossible, which is why developers often rely on ORM libraries to handle communication with the database. Nevertheless, this approach often leads to multiple suboptimal SQL queries for a single logical data operation, resulting in poor quality of service. Additionally, ORM APIs are typically not composable, forcing users to resort to SQL for any non-trivial operation.

So in the same way that Rust’s zero-cost abstractions and (often) functional coding style do not result in a degradation of performance, the same is true with EdgeDB and its EdgeQL query language.

As summed up by Scott Trinh, a senior software engineer at EdgeDB:

The speed/performance advantage of EdgeDB is that it compiles to PostgreSQL statements that you would never write. […] It has only a slight overhead on executing the generated SQL directly, but the key is that the SQL it executes is nothing like what you use in the normal SQL world and very far from what an ORM would generate.

Similarly, a chain of .into_iter().flatten().inspect().map().filter() in Rust is something you could manually write on your own, but in practice never would.

Rust places paramount importance on type safety and correctness, but it’s the compiler messages that make the language learnable in the first place. Rust generally understands what you are trying to do when your code doesn’t compile and is able to lead you in the right direction.

Imagine what a task it would have been to learn Rust without them! What if the following slightly incorrect code…

fn main() {
  let x: String = "I am a String!";

…only produced the following error?

Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error: type error

Nobody would have put in the time to learn a language as fearsome as Rust if this were the case.

Fortunately that is not the case, and Rust lets you know exactly where the problem lies and how to fix it.

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/
2 |     let x: String = "I am a String!";
  |            ------   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^- help: try using
  |            |        | a conversion method: `.to_string()`
  |            |        |
  |            |        expected `String`, found `&str`
  |            expected due to this

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.

These compiler messages impressed EdgeDB, which set out to do the same. Having a strict type system in the first place makes this easier than expected: after all, if a compiler knows what input is required, it can tell the user what to do when it is incorrect! While EdgeDB’s compiler messages are still nowhere near as detailed as the high benchmark set by Rust, they aim to be as helpful as possible and often hit the mark when something is awry.

Take the following type for example:

type UserInfo {
  required name: str;
  account_no: int32;
  date_created: std::datetime;
  age: int16 {
    constraint max_value(130);

There are a lot of conditions that have to be fulfilled before EdgeDB will accept a new UserInfo object, just in the same way that Rust won’t let you initialize a struct that doesn’t match how you defined it.

By trying to insert an incorrect UserInfo object, we can get a peek into EdgeDB’s compiler messages. Let’s try to insert one that…

…is missing a required property name:

insert UserInfo {
  account_no := 100,
  date_created := <std::datetime>'2023-09-09T09:10:10+09:00',
  age := 15

error: MissingRequiredError: missing value for required property 'name'
of object type 'default::UserInfo'

…has a number too large for a 32-bit integer:

insert UserInfo {
  name := 'name',
  account_no := 999999999999,
  date_created := <std::datetime>'2023-09-09T09:10:10+09:00',
  age := 15

edgedb error: NumericOutOfRangeError: std::int32 out of range

…has an incorrect datetime:

insert UserInfo {
  name := 'name',
  account_no := 99,
  date_created := <std::datetime>'2023-09-09T09:10:10',
  age := 15

edgedb error: InvalidValueError: invalid input syntax for type
std::datetime: '2023-09-09T09:10:10'

  Hint: Please use ISO8601 format. Example: 2010-12-27T23:59:59-07:00.
  Alternatively "to_datetime" function provides custom formatting options.

…has an age that violates the constraint that we added:

insert UserInfo {
  name := 'name',
  account_no := 99,
  date_created := <std::datetime>'2023-09-09T09:10:10+09:00',
  age := 150

edgedb error: ConstraintViolationError:
Maximum allowed value for age is 130.

…that has an age of the wrong type:

insert UserInfo {
  name := 'name',
  account_no := 99,
  date_created := <std::datetime>'2023-09-09T09:10:10+09:00',
  age := 'Much age'

edgedb error: InvalidPropertyTargetError: invalid target
for property 'age' of object type 'default::UserInfo':
'std::str' (expecting 'std::int16')

…that is missing a comma in the insert query:

insert UserInfo {
  name := 'Name'
  account_no := 100,
  date_created := <std::datetime>'2023-09-09T09:10:10+09:00',
  age := 15

error: EdgeQLSyntaxError: Unexpected token: <Token IDENT "account_no">
  ┌─ <query>:3:1
3 │ account_no := 100,
  │ ^^^^^^^^^^ It appears that a ',' is missing in
  | a shape before 'account_no'

Rust’s compiler messages improve as time goes on, and so do those in EdgeDB. If you find one that needs work, please let us know!

In Rust, just about everything is an expression. In EdgeQL, everything is an expression, and everything is a set, which means that you can replace any value with an equivalent expression and vice versa. This lets you write your queries like you write code and makes it fairly easy to imagine the equivalent Rust code to what you write using EdgeQL.

Take this example of an EdgeQL query that modifies a set of values line by line, using an expression at each point until the end when select is used to display the query result.

  nums := {8, 9, 10},
  added := nums * 2,
  filtered := (select added filter added > 16),
  enumerated := enumerate(filtered),
select enumerated;

This is pretty similar to Rust, except that using an operator on a set does the operation for each member of the set and passes on the output. It’s sort of like having an implicit .map() every time.

The most literal equivalent of this in Rust is using iterator methods one line at a time instead of chaining them all together:

let nums = [8, 9, 10].into_iter();
let added =|num| num * 2);
let filtered = added.filter(|num| *num > 16);
let enumerated = filtered.enumerate();

The next example ends up being even more similar to the equivalent Rust code, as in this case we aren’t dealing with chained iterator methods. As you can see, every item inside a with statement is similar to a variable created by a let binding.

  movie_actor_names := {"Robert Downey Jr.", "Chris Evans"},
  actors := (select Person filter .name in movie_actor_names),
  avengers := (insert Movie { title := "Avengers", actors := actors }),
  endgame := (insert Movie { title := "Avengers: Endgame", actors := actors }),
  account := (select Account filter .login = "some_login_name")
set {
    watch_list += {avengers, endgame}

The rough Rust equivalent of the code above might look something like this:

// Start by getting all Person and Account results
// to simulate a database lookup
let people: Vec<Person> = client.some_method()?;
let mut accounts: Vec<Account> = client.some_method();

let movie_actor_names = ["Robert Downey Jr.", "Chris Evans"];
let actors = people
  .filter(|person| movie_actor_names.contains(&
let avengers: Movie = client.insert_and_return(Movie {
  title: "Avengers",
let endgame: Movie = client.insert_and_return(Movie {
  title: "Endgame",
if let Some(account) = accounts
  .find(|account| == "some_login_name") {

Hopefully this wasn’t too much of a flood of information, but it truly is interesting to compare EdgeDB and Rust to see the places where they match up and where they almost do.

If your curiosity has been piqued, give the EdgeDB interactive tutorial a try to see how it feels. For a more in-depth look you can install EdgeDB itself and begin working through the Easy EdgeDB book mentioned above, which teaches you EdgeDB and the EdgeQL query language over 20 chapters as you put together the schema for an imaginary game based on the setting of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Oh, and do drop by on November 1st to see the launch of EdgeDB 4.0 and EdgeDB Cloud. Hope to see you there!

But wait, there’s more!

If you feel like reading onward, the next section contains some tips and tricks for Rust developers using EdgeDB so that you can implement the same patterns you are used to with as near an EdgeDB equivalent as possible. It’s sort of a cheat sheet for Rust developers giving EdgeDB a try for the first time.

The usual way to make a new type in Rust is to wrap it in a struct that doesn’t expose the inner type and implement TryFrom, or any other method that returns a Result. A type that represents a human age might look like this:

struct HumanAge(i32);

impl TryFrom<i32> for HumanAge {
  type Error = &'static str;

  fn try_from(num: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
    // return Ok or Err depending on value of num...

This process is quicker in EdgeDB, though note that the end result is simply a scalar type:

scalar type HumanAge extending int32 {
  constraint max_value(130);
  constraint min_value(0);

You can think of it as similar to a Rust struct that holds a primitive value, always implements TryFrom, and gives direct access to the internal value via .0 instead of using Deref.

So if you had these two types:

scalar type HumanAge extending int32 {
  constraint min_value(0);
  constraint max_value(130);

scalar type VampireAge extending int32 {
  constraint min_value(0);

A HumanAge could only be constructed with values between 0 and 130, while a VampireAge could be constructed with a minimum value of 0. But when using them in practice it is as if you were always using .0 to get to the internal i32 and thus the two can be used together.

Here is a quick schema to demonstrate:

scalar type HumanAge extending int32 {
  constraint min_value(0);
  constraint max_value(130);

scalar type VampireAge extending int32 {
  constraint min_value(0);

type Human {
  age: HumanAge

type Vampire {
  age: VampireAge

And now two inserts.

This one won’t work because age is greater than 130:

insert Human { age := 200 };
edgedb error: ConstraintViolationError: Maximum allowed value
for HumanAge is 130.

Detail: Maximum allowed value for `scalar type
'default`::`HumanAge'` is 130.

But this will:

insert Human { age := 100 };
{default::Human {id: f640303a-52d5-11ee-9119-5fac8049810d}}

Won’t work because age is negative:

insert Vampire { age := -100 };
edgedb error: ConstraintViolationError: Minimum allowed
value for VampireAge is 0.

Detail: Minimum allowed value for `scalar type
'default`::`VampireAge'` is 0.

But this will:

insert Vampire { age := 200 };
{default::Vampire {id: fc5d3a1c-52d5-11ee-9119-cb6eeadc3909}}

And now that the objects are inserted, it is as if you are using .0 each time to access the inner i32 value. So this query that uses them in the same set will work:

select {Human.age, Vampire.age};
{100, 200}

You can think of the expression as producing a Vec<i32>.

EdgeDB object types are similar to structs in Rust, except that a parameter inside an object type that leads to an object of another type is a link to that object in Edgedb, while in Rust the data owned would be owned by the first object.

struct Country {
  cities: Vec<City>

// In EdgeDB:
// type Country {
//   required multi cities: City;
// }

struct City {
  name: String

// In EdgeDB:
// type City {
//   required name: str;
// }

Did you notice the required keyword above in the EdgeDB examples? Values are required in Rust by default, while you can use an Option to specify that a value might or might not exist. EdgeDB allows the same but assumes an optional value by default, with the required keyword making a value obligatory.

The required and multi keywords work together to create the following Rust equivalents:



required City




required multi City


multi City


Despite minor differences, the concepts translate pretty cleanly, including the way required values are treated. You can’t just remove a parameter from a struct in Rust:

struct User {
    config: Config

struct Config {
    account_no: i32

fn main() {
    let mut user = User {
        config: Config {
            account_no: 555
    // Can't just remove config

Similarly, EdgeDB won’t let a required link be removed:

insert User {
  config := (insert Config {
  account_no := 555
{default::User {id: e3fd0d5e-4d93-11ee-9240-c31a2ae1fdb1}}
update User set { config := {}};
edgedb error: MissingRequiredError: missing value for required link
'config' of object type 'default::User'

EdgeDB tuples are similar to Rust tuples in usage, but they can contain only scalar (primitive) types and can have named elements.

with my_tuple := ("My name", 10),
select my_tuple.0;
{'My name'}
with my_tuple := (name := "My name", number := 10),
{'My name'}

EdgeDB has no single equivalent to Rust’s algebraic data type enums yet, but there are some similar types and patterns.

EdgeDB enums look like Rust enums that contain no data. So this Rust enum:

enum PlayerClass {

would be represented as the following in EdgeDB:

scalar type PlayerClass extending enum<Warrior, Wizard, Barbarian>;`

This EdgeDB enum’s values can then be accessed with the dot operator: PlayerClass.Warrior.

For Rust enums with data, the closest equivalent is the EdgeDB union type operator using the | sign. This allows direct access to an object type as opposed to a simple scalar:

type Wizard;
type Warrior;
type Barbarian;

type PlayerCharacter {
  required pc_class: Wizard | Warrior | Barbarian

Another way to make an EdgeDB property similar to a Rust enum is by using the one_of constraint:

type Character {
  required class: str {
    constraint one_of('Warrior', 'Wizard', 'Barbarian');

A lot of the functions in the EdgeDB standard library resemble those you will be accustomed to using in Rust. Here is a small sample:






EdgeDB: number of elements. Rust: number of bytes





find() in Rust returns an Option of the item itself, while position() returns the index.











Let’s end the tips and tricks section on a wistful note: unfortunately, not every Rust user works as a full-time Rust developer. Often you will have to work on a codebase in a language that is less than strict, cursing the extra mental burden as you do so.

This can be mitigated somewhat by at least switching to a database that provides type safety, constraints, no nulls, and high expressiveness. Fortunately the argument to switch from one database to another is an easier one to make than switching programming languages.

Imagine for a moment that you are a Rust developer working at a company with a large JavaScript codebase and some sort of NoSQL database — no schema, maybe six or seven data types, and that’s about it. Your company uses some Rust, but most of the existing code in your day-to-day is JavaScript. One day you notice something odd in the function used to insert information on client companies into the database:

var SomeClient = require('db').DBClient;
var url = "//localhost:someportnumber/";

var myobj = {
  name: "Company Inc",
  address: "Highway 37",
  date_founded: "2020-09-001",
  employees: // snip: lots of data here

SomeClient.connect(url, myobj, function(err, db) {
  if (err) throw err;
  var dbo = db.db("mydb");
  dbo.collection("customers").insert(myobj, function(err, res) {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log("1 document inserted");
A cartoon girl with black hair wearing a pink bandana and a pink
turtlenck sweater. She's smiling a huge smile, but her left eye is

Oops! Looks like date_founded property has an extra 0 in it, which the existing database has been happily inserting all this time. All of the existing inserts with date_founded have to be modified now.

You wistfully think about how such an error would have been caught at compile time in Rust, where you likely would have used a NaiveDate from the chrono crate to ensure that the date was being properly formatted:

use chrono::NaiveDate;

fn main() {
  // Err(ParseError(TooLong))
  println!("{:?}", NaiveDate::parse_from_str("2020-09-001", "%Y-%m-%d"));
  // Ok(2020-09-01)
  println!("{:?}", NaiveDate::parse_from_str("2020-09-01", "%Y-%m-%d"));

Another oops: it turns out that the objects in the database were also supposed to contain each company’s registration number. But without a strict schema, there was nothing preventing an insert from happening without it. Also, registration codes in your country need to start with the letter “B” and must be nine characters in length.

In addition, there is no relation between the company inserts being made and the employee inserts being made. It would be nice to have a link between the two.

Here again you are being armed with an argument at the next team meeting to switch to the type safety of EdgeDB. Using EdgeDB would have allowed putting together a schema which would have made the above insert impossible.

Note the following in the schema below:

  • A new type called RegistrationCode, based on EdgeDB’s scalar (primitive) str type but with constraints added.

  • The Company type’s date_founded property is a cal::local_date, requiring correct formatting to construct.

  • All parameters are required — you can’t insert a Company or an Employee without them.

  • The Company type has a backlink called employees that is automatically computed from the link of all inserted Employee objects to their Company. The employees syntax is essentially saying “show me all the Employee objects that link to a Company object through a property called company”.

Putting all this together makes for a schema that is simple, powerful, and readable:

module default {
  type Employee {
    required name: str;
    required company: Company;

  type Company {
    required name: str;
    required address: str;
    required date_founded: cal::local_date;
    required registration_code: RegistrationCode;
    link employees := .<company[is Employee];

  scalar type RegistrationCode extending str {
    constraint expression on (len(__subject__) = 9) {
      errmessage :=
        "Registration codes must be nine characters in length."
    constraint expression on (__subject__[0] = "B") {
      errmessage :=
        "Registration codes must all start with the letter B."

Then follow this with some experimentation in the EdgeDB REPL or UI to make sure that the behavior is as expected. And it is! Let’s try some invalid inserts to demonstrate.

Missing one or more required properties:

insert Company;
error: MissingRequiredError: missing value for required
property 'address' of object type 'Company'

Badly formatted local_date:

insert Company {
  name := "Company Inc",
  address := "Highway 37",
  date_founded := <cal::local_date>'2020-09-009',
  registration_code := 'ROHEGOGH'
edgedb error: InvalidValueError: invalid input syntax for
type cal::local_date: '2020-09-009'

Hint: Please use ISO8601 format. Example: 2010-04-18
Alternatively "to_local_date" function provides custom formatting options.

A RegistrationCode not nine characters in length, as per our constraint:

insert Company {
  name := "Company Inc",
  address := "Highway 37",
  date_founded := <cal::local_date>'2020-09-09',
  registration_code := 'ROHEGOGH'

edgedb error: ConstraintViolationError: Registration codes
must be nine characters in length.

A RegistrationCode that doesn’t start with B, as per our other constraint:

insert Company {
  name := "Company Inc",
  address := "Highway 37",
  date_founded := <cal::local_date>'2020-09-09',
  registration_code := 'ROHEGOGHH'
edgedb error: ConstraintViolationError: Registration codes must all
start with the letter B.

And finally a successful insert!

insert Company {
  name := "Company Inc",
  address := "Highway 37",
  date_founded := <cal::local_date>'2020-09-09',
  registration_code := 'BOHEGOGHH'

{Company {id: ebff14b6-511c-11ee-91c7-07d85c873fe6}}

And the constraints don’t end here either. You’d probably want to add a constraint exclusive to the registration_code for example to ensure that no two companies will use the same code.

Finally, let’s insert an Employee.

insert Employee {
  name := "Great Employee",
  company := assert_single(
    (select Company filter .name = "Company Inc"))

Did you notice the assert_single part of the query? That’s because the link was not specified as multi, making it a single link. You could make it into a multi link to let employees work at multiple locations (which probably makes sense), but in the meantime EdgeDB is strictly complying with what we told it: always one company per employee.

Once the insert is done, the backlink does its magic and the employees will automatically show up in a query for the Company that shows all properties and links. In EdgeDB this can be done with the so-called double-splat operator.

select Company {**};
  Company {
    id: ebff14b6-511c-11ee-91c7-07d85c873fe6,
    address: 'Highway 37',
    date_founded: <cal::local_date>'2020-09-09',
    name: 'Company Inc',
    registration_code: 'BOHEGOGHH',
    employees: {
      Employee {
         id: b7ae0a9a-511d-11ee-8d6a-274aec069009,
         name: 'Great Employee'

Hopefully this was enough to get you started as an EdgeDB-curious Rust developer. If you have any questions, feel free to drop by our Discord server where we and a few thousand others are available to take questions and discuss the latest developments with EdgeDB.